Friday, February 02, 2007

Does it Help You if I Wear Red?

So today is National Wear Red Day in support of awareness for Women and Heart Disease - our #1 killer (of men, too). So, I might put on some red this afternoon when I have to go out... it happens to be one of my favorite colors and I look pretty good in it, too. I've done the "wear black in support of...." this or "wear white in support of..." that, but I must come out of the color clothing closet and admit that I don't get it. Same with the little ribbons on my lapel, which I've had several of.

I'm curious. Has anyone out there decided to get their blood pressure checked or took time to research heart disease because they saw people wearing red? Were any of the other "wear some color to support [yada yada yada]" days helpful in anyway? Did seeing a little pink ribbon on some one's lapel remind you to do your breast self-exam or go get a mammogram? I thought that the little ribbons would at least open up dialogue and give me an opportunity to tell someone what it's about, but no one's ever asked me to explain.

I'm not saying it's a bad idea and I have nothing against people taking a stand to collectively observe an issue. I'd just really like to know if my wardrobe choice is really doing something positive for someone's - anyone's - health. Please let me know. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Hi there. I came via a Google blogsearch for National Wear Red Day. You raise a very interesting point. I think days like today raises awareness amongst people who choose to participate. Those who don't are probably still left out in the cold.

BTW, I've featured your comment at my cardiovascular disease blog, A Hearty Life. :)

Meilyn said...

Hi Dr. Lei,
Thanks so much for visiting. Great site you have! I'll plan to visit more often.

Unknown said...

Interesting. I don't remember seeing one person wear red on this particular day. And no, I doubt I would ask if I had seen someone. Time to rethink their strategy. Great post.

Dee said...

I guess it's different if by buying something pink I wind up donating to breast cancer research. but yeah, wearing red don't make no sense. I might as well just give some money to some sort of research or haul somebody off to the doctor's office. Some of the things that we are encouraged to do in order to raise awareness don't make no damn sense.

Unruly said...

I never notice what people wear, whether it's a certain color or designer or style. I haven't worn the color of the day since sixth grade when I refused to wear green on St. Patrick's Day so I could slap whoever messed up and pinched me. lol