Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Don't Keep "The Secret"

By now, unless you live in a cave and have never heard of Oprah Winfrey, you've heard about "The Secret: The Law of Attraction". I watched it with my fiancee and we've been talking about it ever since.

The basic principle in "The Secret" is that whatever you give your energy to, that is what you will attract - whether negative or positive. If you're visualizing and saying "I'm broke" then you will continue to be broke. If you visualize and say, "I am wonderful and lovable" then that is what you will attract. It's basic stuff that I've known for years but it's been packaged in a different way. It's truly a combination of things that Oprah's been teaching for years. Some of it sounds exactly like some of her main concepts she shared in her Live Your Best Life Ever Tour. Oddly though, Oprah seems to have had no part in the making of this video, but thanks to her, it's an international phenomenon.

We've always heard about karma and "you get out what you put in," or "dress the part," or "if you can believe it, you can achieve it". That's basically what this is all about. There's a bit of scientific stuff thrown in to make it seem more real, but the bottom line is, you gotta have faith. "The Secret" is all about teaching you to believe in yourself and have faith in your abilities to achieve whatever you can dream of and KNOW that the universe, the Spirits, GOD (or whatever you call your higher being) are all in cahoots to help you if you put your mind and energy to it.

There are some things about "The Secret" that are alittle difficult to grasp but we've put it to the test with something as simple visualizing and believing we'd find a good parking space at an overcrowded mall. We spoke it and visualized it and in seconds a space two spots down from the Handicapped spaces right in front of the entrance.

It's all about positive thinking and learning to channel your energies toward the wonderful dreams you have in life. Envision yourself living in peace and health, with joy, with wealth, with a happy family and the career you've always wanted. Envision the home you've always wanted. See the man/woman of your dreams. Daydream about those things. Collect pictures that represent those things and look at them daily. See it NOW and don't look towards the distant future and most importantly, stop focusing on the past. Stop using excuses of "family curses" and "how much [you've] been through." There's enough peace, joy and prosperity for everyone. Stop thinking in terms of "lack" or "not enough to go around."

So, if for nothing else but to satisfy your curiosity, take an hour and 20 minutes and watch this thing if you can get your hands on it. Unfortunately, it's been removed from YouTube. Listen intently and allow your mind to be open. I hope this inspires or helps someone. Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with "The Secret". Peace and blessings.

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