Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Rant of the Day - Electricity Bill Shock

I just had to get this out and since I'm alone at home and no one would hear me scream other than my two cats who would just look at me with nonchalance. It's not good to hold things in, and my pressure's already up. So, I yellingly ask....


This is abso-freakin-rediculous, is it not? It has doubled since the last bill. I admit, I figured it would be in the $400's (like it was in Dec.) but $700's? Is someone stealing my kilowatts or what? Last year my highest bill was $360 and I was outraged at that! And that was when I had about a thousand Christmas lights blaring all night long. (I didn't put them up again this year simply because of the electricity bill!)

How can the price per unit have basically doubled since last year and the price of gas has not, so they can't use that as an excuse like the gas companies! I thought we got electricity from coal not oil or gas!

Last year the price per KWH was 0.0566800. It is now 0.0933100. That is a 61% increase. How is this fair? First of all electricity companies basically have a monopoly in the area they service (I don't have any other choice than Pepco - to my knowledge). Why are they allowed to charge whatever they want? And why isn't the local or even federal government doing something about this like they did with breaking up AT&T back in the 80s? At least we have some other options for residential phone service now with the advent of VoIP service or using a cell phone as your primary phone and that has forced Verizon and other monopolistic phone companies to lower their rates.

Is it just me or did everybody's bill double with the last month's cycle? And if I used less than double the amount of KWH's from last month, why is my bill MORE than 50% higher? Something stinks here, people. We need to write to Congress about this or something because I feel the electricity and gas companies are using the war as an excuse to rape us all. If my next bill is not considerably lower, I will be forced to place bear traps all around my outside meter and I will beat the meter-reader until he punches in a negative usage number for my meter!
Pepco is the anti-Christ.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Don't Give Up -- ADAPT!

So there's this dog. Been on lots of TV talk shows (I've seen her on Oprah and Ellen and I'm sure she's been elsewhere) and video clips of her have been sent all over the world. What's so special about this dog named "Faith"? She only has two legs. This dog stands upright and walks like a human! And is just as happy and tail-waggin' as can be! Amazing! Right?

History and science has shown us that we've evolved or adapted to our surroundings. Africans' skin produces darker pigmentation in order to shield them from the harsh tropical sun, for example. A blind boy learns to "see" by using oral clicking sounds like sonar radar - he can even rollerblade and play basketball!

We are the highest form of living being on this planet (that we know of). We are made in God's image. We have emotions and intelligence - these are the things that set us apart from the other animals. We are supposed to be strong not only in body, but also in mind and spirit. So why do we throw in the towel so easily when things get rough? Why do we get depressed or stay in ruts for months or years at a time? Why do we let set backs stop us so easily? They are just that - "set backs" not "the end". They may set you back, but you gotta keep going.

I show the example of Faith, the dog, and Ben, the sonar-seeing boy, to exemplify how when people are faced with adversity and hardship, they don't have to give up. We can ADAPT.

Yeah, you know the old adage, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" Well why not make lemon creme pie? Or a coconut-lemon cake? Or even a nice chicken penne with a lemon-butter sauce? (Sorry - I missed lunch today.) The point is, there are many ways to work around that thing that keeps getting in your way.

There is no limit to what we can do if we learn to stay focused and keep moving forward no matter what. If an obstacle appears, build a bridge and get over it! If you throw a pity party, you'll find the only guest who wants to be there is you. And if you keep getting hit with the same ole mess, it's time to reinvent, rework or redirect. Try something different than what you've been doing. With faith and perseverance, all things are possible.

Peace and blessings.

Fantasia's New Favorite Color

All I can say is YOU GO, GIRL! Fantasia had me in tears last night on American Idol as she sang "I'm Here," a signature song from the score of the Broadway stage play, Oprah's The Color Purple, where Fantasia will soon be taking on the role of Miss Celie. They had chu'ch up in there last night, and even Simon joined in with the standing ovation which is a rarity. Fantasia worked that song like a champ and showed just how vocally talented she really is. Thank Goodness, cuz I was mat at her for "Wifebeaters and Jeans."

I wonder if it's an ego shot to be asked to play a character who is known in the book/movie/play for being "ugly" (per Suge Avery). But this role can only build her resume and position her to get into the other areas of show-bidness. Shoot, give me a job being Celie, Netty or one of them bad kids, and I'll work harder than Ray Charles at the Soul Train Scramble Board!

I saw the play on Broadway last year on the last night that the original Celie, actress LaChanze, played the role, as well as the last night of Lou Myers' participation (Mr. Vernon Gaines from A Different World) as . The play had me on my feet, in tears, jumping for joy and waving my hands like I was born and raised Pentecostal. But I think I'll have to get back to check out Fantasia sometime this year.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Don't Keep "The Secret"

By now, unless you live in a cave and have never heard of Oprah Winfrey, you've heard about "The Secret: The Law of Attraction". I watched it with my fiancee and we've been talking about it ever since.

The basic principle in "The Secret" is that whatever you give your energy to, that is what you will attract - whether negative or positive. If you're visualizing and saying "I'm broke" then you will continue to be broke. If you visualize and say, "I am wonderful and lovable" then that is what you will attract. It's basic stuff that I've known for years but it's been packaged in a different way. It's truly a combination of things that Oprah's been teaching for years. Some of it sounds exactly like some of her main concepts she shared in her Live Your Best Life Ever Tour. Oddly though, Oprah seems to have had no part in the making of this video, but thanks to her, it's an international phenomenon.

We've always heard about karma and "you get out what you put in," or "dress the part," or "if you can believe it, you can achieve it". That's basically what this is all about. There's a bit of scientific stuff thrown in to make it seem more real, but the bottom line is, you gotta have faith. "The Secret" is all about teaching you to believe in yourself and have faith in your abilities to achieve whatever you can dream of and KNOW that the universe, the Spirits, GOD (or whatever you call your higher being) are all in cahoots to help you if you put your mind and energy to it.

There are some things about "The Secret" that are alittle difficult to grasp but we've put it to the test with something as simple visualizing and believing we'd find a good parking space at an overcrowded mall. We spoke it and visualized it and in seconds a space two spots down from the Handicapped spaces right in front of the entrance.

It's all about positive thinking and learning to channel your energies toward the wonderful dreams you have in life. Envision yourself living in peace and health, with joy, with wealth, with a happy family and the career you've always wanted. Envision the home you've always wanted. See the man/woman of your dreams. Daydream about those things. Collect pictures that represent those things and look at them daily. See it NOW and don't look towards the distant future and most importantly, stop focusing on the past. Stop using excuses of "family curses" and "how much [you've] been through." There's enough peace, joy and prosperity for everyone. Stop thinking in terms of "lack" or "not enough to go around."

So, if for nothing else but to satisfy your curiosity, take an hour and 20 minutes and watch this thing if you can get your hands on it. Unfortunately, it's been removed from YouTube. Listen intently and allow your mind to be open. I hope this inspires or helps someone. Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with "The Secret". Peace and blessings.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thought of the Day

Happy Belated Valentimes Day to my Blogging Family! (Yes, I said ValenTIMES)

I hope you all had an enjoyable, peaceful, fun and/or romantical day yesterday. I also hope that you felt very loved and cherished by someone or many, just as everyone should. And if you didn't have a "Valentine" to call your own, know that you have your Self to love and treat better than anyone ever could.

I apologize for my slacking this week. I've been overtaken with preliminary wedding plans and a surge in work, in addition to my fiancee being in town. I just wanted to share this thought for all my Christian Sista-Gurls out there in their quest for the man of their dreams:

"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her."

It may sound cliche but it's so true. I do believe that is what happened to me. My prince didn't find me until I had given up on men and found my joy in myself and love of my own spirit - which is the Spirit of God in me. Once you give up on the thought of a man coming into your life to bring you joy, and fall in love with yourself and appreciate where you are, the planets will align to put your soul mate in your life. Faith is hard to hold on to, but I promise, it'll be worth it. This goes for the men, too!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

My First Crush Part 1 – “Eyes Wide Open”

Good morning, peeps and peepettes. I was inspired by a fellow blogger to write about my first crush. Again in the theme of leaving the old behind and starting anew, I thought I would write about it to symbolically "let it go." So here’s how it all went down…

In kindergarten, I met a little dark brown boy... Jarrod*. Jarrod had the smoothest skin I'd ever seen and the brightest smile south of the Mason-Dixon line. We were Mrs. Smith's star pupils - me, because I could already write "in cursive" and he because he was so articulate for his age.

Even at the tender age of 5, I was entrepreneurial. Jarrod would give me a Now-and-Later or a couple Lemon Heads (depending on what he had at the time) to write his name in cursive for him on a little piece of paper. He did this a few times and would show them to other kids and then began giving them out like business cards. He basically helped me start my first business, because shortly thereafter, kids began paying me a dime to write their names in script as well. And back in 70... ehem, the early 80's, a dime to a kid was a grip.

Well into first grade, Jarrod and I were thick as thieves, but there was a little white boy (we'll call him Jimmy*) who was pushin' up on a little sista, and at that time, I just went with the flow. Now, I wasn't trying to be a playa, but sometimes things happen. Unbeknown to me, Jarrod thought we had alittle sumthin' sumthin' because we would mostly hang together in class -- we even made sure when it was nap time that our mats were all but touching. Not to mention my little business venture afforded me to be caked up on a daily basis, so I would share the wealth with him freely come snack time.

However, during lunch, we hardly saw each other as I mostly ate with the girls and he with the boys. Back then, "Black" and "White" didn't really mean anything to us, so we had friends of both races. (I can't say all races because at that time in Southern Alabama, you were either Black or White. I don't remember anything in between (other than myself) until I was in Junior High.

One day, late in the school year, Jimmy talked me into going on an adventure towards the back of the school yard where the big oak trees were. We rarely ventured back there as it was mainly a stomping ground for the "big kids" -- you know, fourth and fifth graders. But on this day, I went.

Jimmy was a smooth talker, even through his gapped crooked teeth. While he was a scrawny, somewhat dirty-lookin' kid, I was a sucker for his compliments of my long, pretty braids and my red and yellow flowery custom-couture frock from the "House of Mama." I guess you could say this was my "rough-neck period."

By the time the lunch bell rang, my back was against one of those big old oak trees and he had pressed his lips up against mine – eyes wide open. I don't remember our bodies touching, but I remember he had a funny scent – bologna I think. I do remember that we ran back through the yard holding hands, sprinting to be inside before the late bell rang.

Well, this kid named Barney saw the whole scandalous episode, and word spreads quickly at Daphne Elementary School. By the time we made it back into class, everybody knew I had been ho’in’ around with Jimmy among the oak trees. I had disgraced my family name, but what hurt even more was how Jarrod stopped talking to me. He wouldn’t respond to my little notes and he ignored me at break time for the rest of the school year. No one knew why, and he wasn't telling - although there was some talk about him being jealous of what I did with Jimmy. [Background music: Cherrelle's "I Didn't Mean to Turn You On"]

Jarrod used to come to my mom’s store every so often with his mom, but that summer I didn’t see him once. I asked how he was doing and his mom told me he was fine and had gone to summer camp, but I knew camp didn’t last all summer and that he was avoiding me.

At the last minute during the first week of my second grade year, my parents decided to put me, along with my two brothers, in private school. I was glad because I hated my teacher Miss Jay. Jarrod had been put in a different section so we weren’t in the same class, but I did see him during break and lunch. He still wouldn’t talk to or acknowledge me. I wouldn’t see him again for almost 5 years, nor did I ever see Jimmy again. And I can't stand bologna.

To be continued…

*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of those persons referenced.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Who's the Real Pig?

This whole Tyra Banks controversy is getting ridiculous (just like the Isaiah Washington getting gay therapy two weeks ago but I digress...). I just have to "weigh in" on this one though. These two radio DJ's Opie & Anthony have now shown the difference between having a big ass and being a big ass. How childish is it that they've now put a big banner outside of CBS Studios that says "Tyra Banks is a Fatty Pig Fatty"? First off, learn not to end a sentence with an adjective, fools! (B), I'm clutching my pearls that CBS would even allow this without firing the two DJ's, and (3) I hope Tyra can sue for slander or something.

I know Tyra has her own issues, but I have to give her props for standing up to the tabloids and public ridicule about her putting on weight. It took a lot of guts for her to put on that bathing suit on her show and let heavy girls know that it's OK to not be a size 4/6 and that curves are beautiful. Most men want a curvy woman anyway (thank the Lord!). You GO, Tyra!

Tyra hung up her modeling gear so she should have every right to eat what she wants and be whatever size she's comfortable with. After years of eating nothing but a leaf of lettuce and a sprig of parsley every day, I would be up to my ears in rice crispy treats and Haagen Daaz. Don't think that she doesn't have personal trainers or ways to get the wait off if she wants to. You do YOU, T!

If these two DJs have nothing better to do than spread hate and poke fun at someone WAY more famous than them who is getting paid WAY more money than them, that says something about how SMALL they really are - in mind, spirit, and most likely other areas too. Bullies almost always make fun of others to try and hide their own inadequacies or because they are jealous. With a name like "Opie" it kinda makes sense.

This reminds me of middle school when race started becoming an issue and my fellow classmates began dividing themselves by ethnic groups. It was always an ugly, freckle-faced, scrawny white boy or two picking on the black girls by pulling their hair or calling them names. Grow up, white boys. I'd rather see Tyra's big ass than your pasty white, hairy, flat one any day. And as far as Tyra "eating Opie and Anthony for dinner", why would she want something the dog wouldn't eat when she could have a gourmet meal?

Ode to My Sole(s)

Well, now that my love has been claimed by Mr. Hi-Fi (he doesn't have a blog yet) with this purty new rock on my finger, I realize it's time to leave the old things behind as we embark on a new life together. When true love exists in any space in time, I believe it's virtually impossible for it ever to be erased or eliminated. Love is love - then, now and always. So, while I know I must prepare myself for marriage and re-prioritize since my husband will come first now, I share this poem that I wrote to one of the past-loves of my life.... I call it "Sole Love." Let me know if you feel me.

You take me wherever I go,
Where you lead is where I follow.
My love for you like a rainbow –
So many colors and hues,
A room in my house dedicated only to you.
All for your comfort and care
All 98 or so pair.
For going over 100 would be excessive,
I thank you so much,
For allowing me to be expressive,
For keeping me in touch.
For you walk with me – never tiring,
But when you grow old,
You talk with me – so uninspiring.
But even then, I’ll continue to love you,
Will still take care of you.
Will pay for the repair of you:
My wonderful you,
Even with all our ish-shoes,
You are my sole love.
Shoe sketch © by UAintNevaLied.

Monday, February 05, 2007

February 4, 2007 - A Day for the History Books

Happy Monday, Everyone. I hope you all enjoyed the Superbowl yesterday. Big Thanks to Butta for a lovely time and the yummy chilli. Although I was looking for an Anti-Superbowl Party to go to, I ended up at Butta's Superbowl Potluck Set and I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed watching the game. I didn't realize how much I actually knew about the game until I was right-on with the refs as I called every personal, traveling, and fragrant* foul that was committed by the players. Even with the lack of home runs in the game, I enjoyed the action of the game -- but more than that, the company, the food and best of all, the halftime show.

Prince TORE. IT. UP. Aside from the man being a musical genius, he is the only one that can work a guitar, a do-rag and some high heels in the rain and still break it down so that it can forever be broke. If anybody out there missed it, here's my favorite part of the performance when my original baby daddy so appropriately sang, Perpetual... Pouring... I mean Purple Rain as we lifted our lighters in reverence to the Androgynous King of Diamonds, Pearls and Pink Cashmere...

Seeing this made it all worthwhile. I can't imagine there ever being a half-time show better than this. The Super Purple People Eater, aka Prince, in my opinion, truly should be in the history books. And how appropriate that ths game was indeed a historical event -- setting new records and being the first ever Superbowl to be won (and lost) by a Black Coach and possibly (correct me on this 'cuz I'm assuming) the only winning Coach to aknowledge God in his victory speech.

Big ups to the producers and everyone who had part in making this game something that I shall never forget - even moreso because it is how I spent the first evening of being engaged to my new fiance, the G-Bear himself and my new Prince. (Let's see who reads this posting in its entirety).

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as I did!

*Fragrant foul - Not to be confused with "flagrant foul". This is when a very large player piles at the top of a heap of players after a tackle and flatulates, forcing the heap of players to inhale his stank, therefore intoxicating them so that they are fuzzy-minded during the next play. Usually a 20-yard penalty.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Does it Help You if I Wear Red?

So today is National Wear Red Day in support of awareness for Women and Heart Disease - our #1 killer (of men, too). So, I might put on some red this afternoon when I have to go out... it happens to be one of my favorite colors and I look pretty good in it, too. I've done the "wear black in support of...." this or "wear white in support of..." that, but I must come out of the color clothing closet and admit that I don't get it. Same with the little ribbons on my lapel, which I've had several of.

I'm curious. Has anyone out there decided to get their blood pressure checked or took time to research heart disease because they saw people wearing red? Were any of the other "wear some color to support [yada yada yada]" days helpful in anyway? Did seeing a little pink ribbon on some one's lapel remind you to do your breast self-exam or go get a mammogram? I thought that the little ribbons would at least open up dialogue and give me an opportunity to tell someone what it's about, but no one's ever asked me to explain.

I'm not saying it's a bad idea and I have nothing against people taking a stand to collectively observe an issue. I'd just really like to know if my wardrobe choice is really doing something positive for someone's - anyone's - health. Please let me know. Thanks!

Anti-Superbowl Party, Anyone?

Well, it's the same thing every year. It's Superbowl season and I feel like the pigeon-toed, lazy-eyed step child of the Western World. I'm not into football (baseball either but that's another story). Never have been. Doubt I ever will be. Been to several pro games... Washington Redskins (of course), B'more Ravens, ATL Braves, and the Houston... umm... what are they called? The fun of it only came from seeing the men in tights and having an opportunity to participate in "the wave" when all the people in the stadium collectively do a stand-up-sit-down dance. I still think that's amazing... I mean, like, how does the wave start?

Anyway, the old hullabaloo of what to do on Sunday afternoon comes up and while I've been to many a Superbowl party, and could use it as an excuse to go to someone's home and be loud and eat junk food, I'm looking for more exciting alternatives. Not to mention I wish to defy all those people who make you feel like anybody who's anybody has to be at a Superbowl Party somewhere... Not in my world.

While the world consumes massive amounts of beer and pizza, and screams obscenities at players who can't hear them, what will I do? I could read a good book and lounge on my couch or pay-per-view a flick, but since that's been the Sunday afternoon norm since I took this semester off from school, I'm thinking I need something different.

So, is anybody having an Anti-Superbowl Party? This is a great opportunity for club and party promoters. Have a Happy Hour on Superbowl Sunday for all the non-football watchers like myself. OK, maybe it'll just be females and gay men, but we'd still have a great time tossing back cosmos and dancing to some ole school disco and house. I'm waiting to get my "free before the game starts" email pass on that, so let me know! Otherwise, I think I'll be repainting my master bathroom and cleaning out all my heat pump registers in the house.

BIG Shout out to all my football non-lovers who are tired of faking like you're into the game and cheering just 'cause everyone else is and/or to those who DVR the game just to go back through and watch the funny commercials.

Joke of the Day

Why should you never steal cheese from a Mexican restaurant?....

Obviously, it's Na-Cho cheese!

(ok, i made this one up when i was 8 years old. feelin' kinda corny today.)

Why Didn't I Think of That?

Perfect gift for your single male buddies who love to nap (or female buddies, if they go that way).

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Music Throwback of the Day

Things I Can't Live Without

OK, well technically I could live without them, so this is really more of a review of my most cherished blessings - the things I'm most thankful for. I suggest you make a similar list of yours. When you're feeling alittle funky (like I am today with this gloomy, cold weather), go back to your list and reflect on how blessed you are. Continue to add to it whenever you think of something new.

  1. Music, Music, Music
  2. Chocolate - Especially Harry & David's Milk Chocolate Bing Cherries

  3. Red Lobster's Cheddar Baked Biscuits (That's about all they have that I want.)
  4. My family and friends and my LBG

  5. Rudy and Shmoo

  6. Good books
  7. The ability to write
  8. Cute Shoes
  9. Ice Cream - Esp. Dove Bars, Breyers Butter Pecan, Hagen Daaz Coffee
  10. Sweet memories
  11. HGTV
  12. Sunrises and sunsets

  13. Cheesecake Factory's Key Lime Cheesecake
  14. Legal's Stuffed Lobster
  15. Popeye's Chicken 'n Biscuits
  16. Flowers
Yup, those are pretty much in order of priority :-). The things you love most can tell you a lot about yourself. I realize a lot of mine are food items. Maybe I need to find more non-food things that I'm really into. Or maybe I need to be a food critic. Enjoy your day and don't forget to count your blessings!