Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ode to My Sole(s)

Well, now that my love has been claimed by Mr. Hi-Fi (he doesn't have a blog yet) with this purty new rock on my finger, I realize it's time to leave the old things behind as we embark on a new life together. When true love exists in any space in time, I believe it's virtually impossible for it ever to be erased or eliminated. Love is love - then, now and always. So, while I know I must prepare myself for marriage and re-prioritize since my husband will come first now, I share this poem that I wrote to one of the past-loves of my life.... I call it "Sole Love." Let me know if you feel me.

You take me wherever I go,
Where you lead is where I follow.
My love for you like a rainbow –
So many colors and hues,
A room in my house dedicated only to you.
All for your comfort and care
All 98 or so pair.
For going over 100 would be excessive,
I thank you so much,
For allowing me to be expressive,
For keeping me in touch.
For you walk with me – never tiring,
But when you grow old,
You talk with me – so uninspiring.
But even then, I’ll continue to love you,
Will still take care of you.
Will pay for the repair of you:
My wonderful you,
Even with all our ish-shoes,
You are my sole love.
Shoe sketch © by UAintNevaLied.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And I'm soo happy that I have been able to claim your love!! It was a long, well fought battle, but I hung in there. Whew!...gotta wipe the sweat off my brow. No longer shall we sit beside ourselves with grief...