Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Wild Recipes

It's no secret that I love food. I love to entertain and I love to cook for others. Living alone gives me the chance to experiment and indulge in guilty pleasures so I just thought I'd share. I was just inspired by my yummy lunch to share a few of my favorite food concoctions that I've kept secret for many years. I try to find creative ways to eat/snack that are healthy/low cal, too. Some, you might find weird, but I promise they are delicious.

Please feel free to share some of your secret food concoctions or let me know if you've tried anything here and liked it!

(What I just ate for lunch) - Scrambled egg, cheese, n ketchup sammich (on toasted bread). This sammich feels indulgent but it's actually quite healthy. You get your fiber/grains (if you do the whole wheat or whole grain bread), lotsa protein from the egg(s), and your dairy from the cheese. The ketchup makes it POP though. Another little secret is to scramble your eggs with a tablespoon or two of water (makes 'em extra fluffy) and a dash of garlic powder (in add'n to the regular salt and pep). Also works great with fried egg.

Here are a few other wild quickie recipes:

+ Pickles and saltine crackers. Take a slice of pickle (Bread 'n Butter Chips are my fav's) and put it on a saltine cracker. I'm serious! Fa-Bu-Lis!

+ Special K Vanilla and Almond cereal with your (low fat) ice cream or frozen yogurt of choice. THE TRUTH! Lower cals than a sugar cone and gives extra flavor and crunch!

+ Grape Nuts cereal and dried cranberries in yogurt. Instead of granola which is high in fat, sugar and calories, this is lowfat and gives lots of crunch and fiber.

[Some of you know I eat Grape Nuts almost every morning (except for my Bob Evan's Saturdays with De). It gives you lots of fiber and tons of energy. Tastes like cardboard bits but if you add some fruit and use Vanilla Milk (i have to do Soy) it's pretty good, esp if you like CRUNCH. I also add it on top of salads for more texture too! The generic store brand of Grape Nuts (Giant calls 'em Nutty Nuggets - stop laughing GB) are just as good as the real thing and much cheaper.]

+ Ice cream/frozen yogurt with saltine crackers (Vesta's the bestas). The little touch of saltiness makes it great! Sounds crazy but try it seriously.

+ Instead of Rice Crispy treats make Cap'n Crunch Treats: use a cereal of your choice with the melted marshmellow/butter mix instead of Rice Crispies- my fav is Cap'n Crunch peanut butter cereal.

+ Cheddar cheese slices or peanut butter on Granny Smith apples. Great with a dessert wine!

+ Thai-style sauce for stirfry chicken/veges. Mix crunchy style peanut butter, a few dashes of soy sauce, some rice vinegar, dried parsley, salt n pep and some crushed red pepper. Mix well and toss with the chicken/veges. So easy and will impress! Serve with steamed rice. SA-LAM-MIN'.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ice cream and saltines? I must try it out...lol