Saturday, January 27, 2007

What's Really in a Wink?

What exactly does a wink really mean these days?
wink: Pronunciation: 'wi[ng]k. verb1 : to shut one eye briefly as a signal or in teasing

Signal for what though? Say somebody winked at you, like, ummmm, ohhh... let's just say.... your girl's man. Ok, here's the sichy-ay-shun. Picture it... Sicily... 1948. OK, fa real doh... We were at a little cocktail party. This was only the second time I'd ever encountered him. Anyway, I'm having a good time chatting it up with friends, and I just happen to look around and catch him looking at me. I casually continue my glance around the room. I then look at him again and he's still staring at me and then he winks. Very clearly winks. I don't think there was something in his eye and I'm sure he was looking at me cuz I double checked. So, I quickly look away not believing I saw what I saw. Approx 2-3 seconds later, I look back and catch him still looking and he smiles at me. A slick, heeby-jeebyish smile.

Needless to say I haven't told my girl. I can't - right, Ladies? Could I be wrong that this was a come-on? Fellas, what does it mean when you wink at a female? And would you wink at your woman's girl in just a friendly way? This has been buggin' me for a minute. So, whatdya think?


Lola Gets said...

See, Id wink at someone just to be silly, whether I was with someone or not. But Im strange, lol.

SIMHO said...

I personally would wink at my girl's friend and not mean anything serious by it. But this would be a good friend that already knows me quite well and wouldn't be prone to wonder what I meant.
I have used a wink to flirt. But more often to inspire a smile. As long as it is done properly it means (to be completely generic) whatever the reciever needs it to mean.
IMO for your situatuation you were probably right in feeling weird about it. Not for the wink necessarily, more so, for the accompanying stare.

Breezey 27 said...

wow! How crazy, I was at work today and my boss winked a me and I didnt know how to take it, especially, since he is sleeping with one of my friends.....Is he tryna make this one of those?????? I'm still stumped on what this means, any ideas?