Friday, January 19, 2007

Suffering is OPTIONAL!

I just came across a GREAT saying that i really liked so I thought I'd share along with my thoughts. Read on if you have time...

"Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional."

WOW! Think about that. It really had me thinking back on so many times in my life when I've experienced pain and suffering. A death of a loved one, Losing something I cared about. having my heart broken. We tend to think Pain and Suffering go hand in hand. But really suffering is a choice. When things aren't going our way or as good as we hoped or expected, it's so easy to slip into the "woe is me" state and have a nice little pity party. Yesterday, at the class session for the mentoring program I volunteer at, the topic of discussion was "goal setting". All the kids talked about were money, big houses, going to college to get a good job so you can make lots of money, and making big money. Oh, one of them mentioned "a nice family". Nobody even brought up goals like being more healthy, being more organized, not procrastinating, learning a new thing like playing an instrument, reading more, losing weight, being more considerate of others, communicating more with family members, or any of the more intangible goals we start to think about as we get older.

I know they are young so all that's on their minds are the gains and spoils. But often when we, as adults, don't achieve certain goals for ourselves (especially when we're very driven and aggressive), we feel pain -- sadness that we haven't had success or achieved something we wanted to do. We're so critical of ourselves. Then comes the suffering. But one of the points in our discussion yesterday was to "welcome failure". I thought... man, that sounds stupid! I never welcome failure. To me, failure is not an option! But it makes sense to me now... when you stare Failure in the face, put up your dukes and say "I ain't scurred of you.... C'mon, Cletus! You walkin' down, but you limpin' back!" You empower yourself over failure. And if you do fail, you learn from your mistakes and know how to do it the right way: what to change about your approach and how to reach your goal successfully in the next round.

We all hit brick walls from time to time. But don't give in to failure or suffering. Take it by the horns and do a dance! Job was in major pain. But he praised his way through the suffering: He said (30:18) "In his great power God becomes like clothing to me; he binds me like the neck of my garment." Job didn't' give in to suffering. He went through hell, but he sho-nuff got to Heaven with ease and was blessed more abundantly than he could ever imagine after he made it through.

I know it's cheesy to say "when you get lemons, make lemonade!" but it's true. Turn your situation around and dig in and find something positive: "Let your enemy be your footstool." Step over failure and suffering, build a bridge, and GET OVER IT. Not saying to forget, but truly examine your actions, review your goals, and press on. You'll get there no matter what you go through. Positivity and optimism cost you nothing and people will want to be around you and help you more when you have a good attitude. Don't try to do everything alone. When someone reaches out to you, reach back. Be willing to listen to advice. At the same time, don't let the haters steal your joy (and somebody reading this knows I'm talking to them!). My dad used to tell me, "There will always be someone better than you and smarter than you, and someone trying to tear you down." Brush your shoulders off and move on. No one can get to you unless you give them the opportunity. Don't!

A good friend recently told me: "No pain, no gain. No gain, no glory." I had never heard that second part about glory. Everyone in the "TO" box of this email is destined for Glory. I've already claimed it for you, so be aware that there will be pain in your life - some times more than others. But suffering is optional!

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