Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I've been gone for a long time... I'm just not realizing HOW long -- almost 5 months. Forgive me! Life has been wonderful and tumultuous these last months and I have so much in me to share and get out of me... I fear my carpal tunnel will go into code red. Time had become such a commodity this summer, so blogging was one of those things (along with pleasure reading and working out) which had to be cut back.

Just to give you a quick breakdown, here's what I've been up to since we last encountered (and my excuse for being MIA for so long):

April - Put my house on the market in DC to prepare to move to ATL
June 30 - Moved to Atlanta, Georgia - Yay, I finally got out of DC!
July 7 - Was maid of honor at my girl Deb's wedding in NJ. Beautiful wedding!
July 21 - Went to the emergency room because I was hemorrhaging and severely anemic - Help me, Jesus!
July 29 - I turned 34 years old... WOW - I can't believe i'm 34!
August 16 - Had surgery to remove uterine fibroids. Ouch!!
August 31 - I got married in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Yahooo!!!
Sept 2 - Flew to Thailand with my new hubby for a 2 week honeymoon in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket, Thailand... great time!
Sept 15 - we made it back safe and sound the day after a plane went down in Phuket! Thank you, Lord!

Since then, my house in DC is STILL on the market and the price has been severely dropped. The housing market has tanked and by the end of October, my tenants in my Fairfax property are moving out so I have to try and sell that too. Meanwhile we are looking for our new home in Atlanta and even though the market has gotten bad, we've been outbid on two houses that have been on the market for less than a week. What the heck?

I've recovered nicely from the surgery and am feeling better and more energetic than I have in almost a year! The family's good, married life agrees with me (actually feels no different than before to be honest), so I can't complain about life in general.

All I can keep saying is, God is still on the throne. He knows my heart and what i need. He'll never put more on me than I can bear. He may not show up when you want Him but He's always on time. I'm reminded of this daily.

There is so much in me waiting to be birthed, not only experiences I want to put down for the records (blogging, journaling, etc) but ideas and just thoughts. I hope to start sharing more and more as life calms down. But in the mean time, don't write me off. See you soon!


Butta said...

Oh my! I didn't know you had all that stuff goin on. Wow. Well, I'm glad to hear that you are making your way through and that you are enjoying married life. Sorry I couldn't make it to the wedding but I can't wait to see the photos. I'm sure it was beautiful.

Can't wait to read about more of your adventures in the A.

TDJ said...

Welcome back yourself Mrs. Married Lady! Glad to hear that you are recovered from your surgery. Don't stay away for so long again! :) **running back to corner before you hit me upside the head**