Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Good morning, Blogworld! In a depressing time of world war, random killings on college campuses (see previous entry), George Bush, a possible pending recession, global warming, and natural disasters, one may ask, "When will things get better?" In my own little microcosm, I am plagued with lack of motivation, frustration of stupid people who don't do what they're supposed to or say they're going to do, crazy clients who want everything for nothing, cramps and PMS, and the stress of trying to sell my home in a sucky real estate market. We've all got a lot of stuff we're dealing with that makes life hard. All around me, my friends are dealing with huge life issues that are causing them to lose sleep, not eat, and ultimately taking a toll on their physical and mental health. It breaks my heart that my closest friends are dealing with major health problems, awful job situations, family feuds and losing their parents to old age and Alzheimer's. How can one cope?

I was just whining to my fiance this morning and he showed me this website that I borrowed the pictures from. Its really true: Sometimes you've got to laugh to keep from crying. In a world that pressures you daily to get ahead and forces you to fight to stay on top, there needs to be a moment of stillness... catch your breath... take a break... be lazy. The mental/spiritual state of a human is a delicate thing. It needs care and nourishing. And if no time is spent to nourish that inner man, he can snap. And as I've said earlier, I know I've been on the balancing line between sanity and insanity a couple of times - especially when the hormones threaten to possess me like a demon (I'm sure the ladies know what I mean).

So today, I share with you some DEMOTIVATION. I don't mean to make fun of the despair of others, but let's be realistic. We all live in this mad and crazy world. We can't be on the top, and nobody's perfect. Everyone has problems, issues and situations to deal with that they wish they didn't have. Know that you are not alone in your despair and relish in the fact that there are plenty of other people who feel like you do or worse! There are thousands or millions of people who are not as attractive and smart as you are! You can't always make lemonade from lemons if the lemons are dried up or rotten! Let's just face it - Life is hard and mean people suck.

So, if you're feeling a bit lazy today and unmotivated like I am and you need some time to just unwind, DO IT! The world won't stop spinning if you call in slick or take a mental health day. The company survived before you and they will survive without you. It often pays to play dumb. I admonish you - if you feel like being lazy, be good at it! Be the best sofa spud you can be! If you're not going to work today, be the best goof off in the office! Beat your highest score at Solitaire and be proud!

So I offer you these demotivational messages for the day. They are meant to give you a smile in the midst of your despair or this period of whatever you're going through that's got you down. But know that trouble don't last always. You just have to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and YOU are always that light... you just gotta get to the point where you can let it shine. But that's a message for another day so I digress...

In order of appearance:
AGONY: Not all pain is gain.
INDIFFERENCE: It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but it doesn't take any to just sit there with a dumb look on your face.
DARE TO SLACK: When birds fly in the right formation, they need only exert half the effort. Even in nature, teamwork results in collective laziness.
LAZINESS: Success is a journey, not a destination. So stop running.

You can find more at http://www.despair.com/. Enjoy!


High Fidelity said...

Glad to see you're back on the scene. I'm glad you enjoyed these little quips! I was looking at them the other day thinking which ones would be good to memorize for use in the office.

Lola Gets said...

This post was hilarious! I particularly liked "Indiffernce."

Dee said...

I haven't checked your blog in a while. Looking forward to reading your posts again.