Thursday, February 01, 2007

Things I Can't Live Without

OK, well technically I could live without them, so this is really more of a review of my most cherished blessings - the things I'm most thankful for. I suggest you make a similar list of yours. When you're feeling alittle funky (like I am today with this gloomy, cold weather), go back to your list and reflect on how blessed you are. Continue to add to it whenever you think of something new.

  1. Music, Music, Music
  2. Chocolate - Especially Harry & David's Milk Chocolate Bing Cherries

  3. Red Lobster's Cheddar Baked Biscuits (That's about all they have that I want.)
  4. My family and friends and my LBG

  5. Rudy and Shmoo

  6. Good books
  7. The ability to write
  8. Cute Shoes
  9. Ice Cream - Esp. Dove Bars, Breyers Butter Pecan, Hagen Daaz Coffee
  10. Sweet memories
  11. HGTV
  12. Sunrises and sunsets

  13. Cheesecake Factory's Key Lime Cheesecake
  14. Legal's Stuffed Lobster
  15. Popeye's Chicken 'n Biscuits
  16. Flowers
Yup, those are pretty much in order of priority :-). The things you love most can tell you a lot about yourself. I realize a lot of mine are food items. Maybe I need to find more non-food things that I'm really into. Or maybe I need to be a food critic. Enjoy your day and don't forget to count your blessings!


Anonymous said...

Wow! You put your LBG BELOW food!! He still looks kind of good though, considering that his face is smooshed like that of a pug sized bulldog. You must have secretly taken that picture without him knowing it.

YouToldHarpoTaBeatMe said...

Oh stop!!! Red Lobster's Cheddar Baked Biscuits? Have you ever seen a family look like they're gonna turn on one another? That's me and my crew when the server sets that basket down in front of us.

I'll be back when I have more time. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Julia_Claudine_Deveraux said...

Ice cream, cute shoes, Red Lobster's biscuits, and Popeye's chicken???? Are you sure we were not sisters in another life? *smirk*

Anonymous said... guys just like them, but have you ever had a grandmother that wrapped them up in her purse, called the waiter to bring another basket, and wrap those up too!?!