Thursday, November 08, 2007

Argh! I've been Tagged!! Seven random facts...

Tag I am it! My girl, Butta, has tagged me, so here are the rules...

A). Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

B). Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.

C). Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.

D). Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Seven Random UAin'tNevaLied Facts:

1. I miss dancing like I used to when I was younger. I got $25 for break dancing in a contest when I was in the fifth grade (hammer pants and all) and me and my best friend, Yolanda Smith (where are you, girl?) won 2nd place in a dance contest in the 9th grade. I could get down with the get down back then. Can't move like I used to though. That reminds me, lemme go take my vitamins and a glucosamine supplement.

2. I still want to be famous -- and have wanted that since I was a little kid. Not Whitney Houston famous, but I want to be known for something. I want for people to know my name someday for some reason -- hopefully in the art or design world. Don't ask me what steps I'm taking right now to get there, but someday I want to be consulted as an expert on something on TV or in magazines. I want the Today to have me on as a style consultant or to design their set. I want to be on Oprah and bump Nate out of the box.

3. I miss riding motorcycles. I had two sports bikes between 2001 and 2007 and was quite the speed demon. I totalled my first one and was riding again within a month. I sold my last baby in February of this year. It was kinda hard although I put up a front like it was not a big deal. I felt like part of my youth was going away.

4. I pray my children never go into the military. My father was in the Air force -- a Vietnam Vet. I think being in the military -- especially in wartime -- screws with the mind. Every man that I've met who has been in the military seemed to have some type of psychological issue, mainly the need to be controlling, sometimes extremely controlling. I also think men who have been in a war are often overly paranoid and think someone is constantly out to get them, and feel the need to always have weapons (guns) around them for protection. They seem to think their safety is always under attack.

I know this sounds selfish because I think the military does do a lot of people a world of good. The military fights with their blood and sweat for our freedom (although not in THIS war that's going on right now) but that's what they stand, and I can't be mad at that. But that's just how I feel. I don't want my kids to have to or to want to be in the military.

5. I have a strong desire to live on or be near a body of water. Perhaps because I grew up in walking distance to the Gulf of Mexico. Water just makes me feel peaceful and it has aways put me in awe at God's majesty. I've always been drawn to it. Is it just me?

6. I have corners on my head. The term "box head" was coined after me. Under my hair you can feel two corners on the top left and right sides of my head. Freaks people out. I would look horribly bald. I'd probably get on TV and be famous for that, though!

7. I'm so mixed up. Ethnically, a lot of people think I'm just Black and Thai. Well, those are the main portions. My later father's parents were Black, Spanish, and Native American (my grandpa), and Black, Jewish, and German (grandma). My mother is Thai-Chinese. I think the combination of all those ethnicity's combined pretty damn well, if I do say so myself. I've been telling everyone for years that I'm bi-racial, or checking the "other" box on all the forms when they ask me what I am. I guess I need to correct myself and say I'm "multi-racial".

There it is! So now you know me alittle better. Do we have anything in common or am I just a weirdo? OK, so now I need to tag some others. I don't even know seven bloggers personally so I'll just tag folks I know who haven't already been tagged:

My suga bear: Hi-Fidelity
My girl, the beauty queen: Mischo Beaty

Ya'll are it! Enjoy.

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